One of the things I love about being part of “In the Arena” (ITA) is that the organization really gives me the opportunity to come in touch with so many kids here in the valley without having to sacrifice training time. We ITA athletes are in charge of our own programs, schedule and activities. Our working schedules are very flexible something that allows us train, compete and give something back to our communities with special emphasis on youth. After the trials, I was very excited to come home and reach out as many kids as possible. I had such a great time while I did several appearances at the Boyd Elementary School . Luckily, the kids had a series of events (The spring festival, a visit to the local museum and the spring mile fun run) I could be part of.
The visit to the Alamosa museum was a blast. There were approximately 100 kids who gathered in the Alamosa museum. I could tell, all of kids were very excited to be out of the classroom. I was very happy to be part of another cool, fun experience. I was so excited to bring in my Flip Camera and It was wonderful to see how many of the kids asked me if they could use it.
A visit to the Alamosa Museum
By the time we were done with the tour, once again I found myself emerged into a totally different world; the one of a 2Nd grader. This experience took me back to my own childhood as me and a group of kids stared playing “Me, me, me” and “Marinero que se fue a la mar y mar y mar” games that I used to play with my friends when I was 8 years old. I was amazed of how in a way history was repeating itself as I was able to share the games my role models shared with me some 20 years ago.
Me, me, me. Me subo a la torre. Toco la campana. El padre me regana. Me hace una pregunta. Yo se la contesto asi, asi, asi, asi: Me-Nu-Do
After we left the museum, the bus driver dropped us off at Cole Park. There, me and a few of the girls continued playing me, me, me and marinero que se fue a la mari mari mar.
"Marinero que se fue a la mar y mar y mar. A ver que podia ver y ver y ver. Y lo unico que pudo ver y ver y ver. Fue el fondo de la mar y mar y mar. (Repeat 4 times)"
Ready, Set, Goooooo!!!!!!!!!!
Spring was finally here and the kids at Boyd Elementary had their annual spring mile fun run. The highlight of the day was to realized that the time I have previously spend with all these kids is paying off. This time around I felt like at home. I knew most of the kids. Some of them came up to me and said “I saw you on TV” “Thanks for coming” Many girls asked for a hug, because they were very nervous. I was very glad to be there to support them.
This experience was just a reconfirmation of how we as athletes, role models, and organization can in fact make an impact in their lives.
A few interviews with some of our future running stars after their inspiring performances.