Dear Wes:
Two years have past since your departure and I found myself thinking of you during my 11 mile run this morning. I kept thinking of our trip to Mexico and all the lessons you shared with me during the 4 years of our friendship. When I met your daughter Alicia during history class back in 2002, I never imagined that my life was going to take such wonderful shift.
How can I forget the first time I met your wife Kathy and your 9 wonderful children at Adrian’s wedding. Short after the wedding, I was invited to your house for dinner. When I arrived at your house I felt like at home. I felt I had found a new family. That day Kathy introduced me to the best fried chicken and mash potatoes ever. Being at your house I always felt secure and at peace. By late June, we found ourselves planning a road trip to Mexico. That trip was a by far the best experience of my life. You taught me to see and appreciate the spiritual side of things. You helped me realized things I was unaware off.
I was always amazed by your ability to listen and to get to people’s hearts. You were able to break my shell and you help me admit and show my vulnerability. Remember when I could not take it anymore while we were at my mother’s house in Mexico and I had the biggest melt down of all time. I will never forget when you told me “You are not the super women you think” “You can control some things, but there is no way you can control everything and everyone that comes to your life” I am so thankful you made me realize that It was not my job to change my mother’s life style. I was clear I had to accept my mother just the way she was, because I was the daughter and she was my mother. You advised me to enjoy my mother’s company to its fullest and make the best of our trip. Thank you for all those lessons and the wonderful moments.
I am still pursuing my dream of becoming an Olympian. I was 4th at the Olympic trials on April. I am excited for the future and I am looking forward to make the 2012 Olympic Team. Soon after your departure, I joined “In the Arena” an organization that has fully supports me since 2006. A huge blessing! When Amory, the founder, called me to give me the news, I knew God had worked his magic to make this happen. Since then I had made big improvements in my running. Now, I get a massage at least once a week and I get to take naps pretty much every day for recovery. Also, I can afford to support my mother on monthly bases. The best part of being part of “In The Arena” is that I get to reach out to the youth. I found myself involved in speaking engagements and hanging out with kids from the local elementary school. If anything this has become a growing experience.
Norma, her husband, Alicia and the kids are doing great. We still live together and continue to support one another. My next race will be the Chicago Marathon on October 12th. If you can be there in sprit that would be terrific. My training for Chicago has been fantastic. My goal is to improve on my time and break the 2:30 minutes barrier. After that, I will take a nice break from running. I am contemplating going back to Mexico for vacation.
Wes, you really took the role of a big brother and really made a difference in the lives of me and my sisters. One way or another, you always made sure me and my sisters were protected. Did I ever told you that, you really made my day when you brought the entire family to cheer me on during the Adams State cross county home meet back in 2002. Oh God, there is so much to thank you about. Hope you are doing well wherever you might be. To me, you are still alive. You are a great friend, my most favorite friend of all times. YES, WE MISS YOU VERY, VERY MUCH.
Rest in Peace-