Please meet Brayan Flores and Oscar Martinez.They are two young men full of energy, dreams, and aspirations. Both fun and wonderful to be around. They were members of the Ortega Middle School Cross Country team. Both are active members of the after school ITA tutoring program and now members of local running club "The Penguins". Brayan and Oscar are currently getting ready for the Regional Cross Country Junior Olympics that will be held in Denver next Saturday, November 19th. Oscar is looking to qualify as an individual for the national meet on December 10th in South Carolina. On the other hand, Brayan is excited to secure an individual spot and help his new team,"The Penguins" qualify to national Junior Olympics.

Brayan and Oscar have made a significant impact in the sport of cross country and the lives of those around them. This is the very first time both of them join a cross country and a running club. In a short period of time,their love and dedication to the sport has taken them a long ways. They have learned and shared experiences with other runners all over the state.
Both made it to the first ever State Middle School Championship in Denver. Two days after both of them thought the season was over, they got invited to join "The Penguin Club" so that they could participate in the Colorado USATF Cross Country Junior Olympics. On November 5th,both them finished 18th in their respective races at the Colorado USATF State Junior Olympics. Top 25 qualified for regionals. Brayan not only secure his spot as individual, but his team finish first and also advanced.

It has been an honor to be able to be there for Brayan and Oscar. I am happy to know they are making the best of the opportunity. I publicly, want to thank their parents, coaches, and network of support for helping these kids get where they are now. From experience, I can tell you that whether they pursue running or not, the experience they are living now will shape their lives forever.
Oscar and Brayan, I am very proud of you and wish you accomplish your goal of making it to Nationals. Thank you so much for making your family, friends, school, club, and all around you proud. Most of all, thank you for giving yourself a chance to overcome new challenges.
I had the opportunity to chat with Oscar and Brayan and this is what they had to say about their experience.

Name: Brayan Emanuel Flores Gomez
Favorite Movie: Fast and Furious 5
Hobbie: Playing Black Ops with friends
Favorite Food: Pasta Alfredo
Age: 12
Hi Brayan, how did you get involved in Cross Country?
I got a message from the Coach at Ortega Middle School, Mr. Lavier,
asking me if I wanted to join the Cross Country team.
Why did you join?
To get better at running.

How was your season, tell us about your experience?
My season went good. I got to know more people. I got to experience running on a team. This is the first time I get to travel with a team on my own. It was so much fun. Practice sometimes was hard, but it helped me get better. There were days I did not wanted to go, but knowing that my teammates were going to be there motivated me. It was fun hanging out with my teammates at practice. It felt like I knew all of them from a long time. We all got really close.

What are your goals?
My goal is to help my new team "Penguin Club" to make it to USATF National Junior Olympics.
Anything that you want to add?
Yes, that I love my family and I thank them for supporting me and helping me be where I am. So far, I got to run for Ortega Middle School, make it to State and try for USATF National Junior Olympics. Also, thank you to my coaches and teammates.
asking me if I wanted to join the Cross Country team.
Why did you join?
To get better at running.

How was your season, tell us about your experience?
My season went good. I got to know more people. I got to experience running on a team. This is the first time I get to travel with a team on my own. It was so much fun. Practice sometimes was hard, but it helped me get better. There were days I did not wanted to go, but knowing that my teammates were going to be there motivated me. It was fun hanging out with my teammates at practice. It felt like I knew all of them from a long time. We all got really close.

What are your goals?
My goal is to help my new team "Penguin Club" to make it to USATF National Junior Olympics.
Anything that you want to add?
Yes, that I love my family and I thank them for supporting me and helping me be where I am. So far, I got to run for Ortega Middle School, make it to State and try for USATF National Junior Olympics. Also, thank you to my coaches and teammates.

Oscar Martnez running for Ortega Middle School (September 2011)
Name: Oscar Isay Martinez Verela
Favorite Movie: Resident Evil.
Hobbie: Playing Black Ops
Favorite Food: Rice with Milk Aka Arroz con Leche
Age: 13
Name: Oscar Isay Martinez Verela
Favorite Movie: Resident Evil.
Hobbie: Playing Black Ops
Favorite Food: Rice with Milk Aka Arroz con Leche
Age: 13
Hi Oscar, how did you get involved in Cross Country?
I got a good place in a mile fun run when I was in 2nd grade and I actually liked it. After that I always wanted to run or join a club, but never happened. It was not until the beginning of the year a Ortega middle School that my history teacher, Mr. DelaCerda, asked me if I wanted to join cross country. I gave all the excuses I could find not to join, but he insisted. Then, I finally said: "Yes, I will join"

Why did you join?
I wanted to do something productive after school instead of going home and just play Black Ops.

How was your season? Tell us about the experience.
Individually , I did okay. I learned in order for us to enjoy the competition, running has to be fun. I enjoyed being nervous before a race. Practice is easy except for hard days when we do intervals. I liked playing and messing around with my teammates. It was so much fun playing the nervous game with Emily on the bus. I really enjoyed running for a team at Ortega Middle School. Now, for Junior Olympics I don't have a team and I am having to run individually. Its nice to be part of Club Penguin.
What are your goals?
My goal for Junior Olympics is to make it to nationals. My goal in life is to become a better runner and one day beat Usain Bolts time in the 100m.

Anything that you want to say?
I feel everyone is a good runner in their own way. Everybody can achieve their dreams. Thanks to my mommy for letting me join the sport and my dad for coming to my races. Thank you to Alicia Zapata (such a good person) for driving us to Denver for our races and Norma Gomez for feeding us. To my coaches and friends Thank You. To Zoila Gomez for making sure to be there for us in some of the workouts and for our sure2endure, the cool gear, and motivation.
I got a good place in a mile fun run when I was in 2nd grade and I actually liked it. After that I always wanted to run or join a club, but never happened. It was not until the beginning of the year a Ortega middle School that my history teacher, Mr. DelaCerda, asked me if I wanted to join cross country. I gave all the excuses I could find not to join, but he insisted. Then, I finally said: "Yes, I will join"

Why did you join?
I wanted to do something productive after school instead of going home and just play Black Ops.

How was your season? Tell us about the experience.
Individually , I did okay. I learned in order for us to enjoy the competition, running has to be fun. I enjoyed being nervous before a race. Practice is easy except for hard days when we do intervals. I liked playing and messing around with my teammates. It was so much fun playing the nervous game with Emily on the bus. I really enjoyed running for a team at Ortega Middle School. Now, for Junior Olympics I don't have a team and I am having to run individually. Its nice to be part of Club Penguin.
What are your goals?
My goal for Junior Olympics is to make it to nationals. My goal in life is to become a better runner and one day beat Usain Bolts time in the 100m.

Anything that you want to say?
I feel everyone is a good runner in their own way. Everybody can achieve their dreams. Thanks to my mommy for letting me join the sport and my dad for coming to my races. Thank you to Alicia Zapata (such a good person) for driving us to Denver for our races and Norma Gomez for feeding us. To my coaches and friends Thank You. To Zoila Gomez for making sure to be there for us in some of the workouts and for our sure2endure, the cool gear, and motivation.