This is by far one of my most favorite events. Its a tradition for the Alamosa Elementary school to encourage every kid

to participate in the annual spring mile fun run. Teachers, parents, volunteers come together on race day to participate. For weeks kids start getting mentally and physical prepared for the fun challenge. A wonderful way to get kids and family involve in running. This year I had the opportunity to pace and cheer for 2nd, 1st and kindergarten participants.
Start of 2nd Graders!
It all started with 2nd graders. As I am running through the building to meet the kids on the other side of the school, a group of 1st graders start chanting my name Go Zoila Go, Go Zoila Go!!! and as I approched them all the little ones chant louder and louder with their hands up for a high five. As I high fived them I said: "Thank You, Im just cheering and taking pictures. I will cheer loud for you all"
Start of 1st graders!
As I proceed to meet with second graders and wait in the corner with my camera ready to go, I see the fist group of kids approaching and I start taking pictures and encouraging them. Then all the sudden Areli one of the girls from tutoring and a sister of one of the kids I mentor, says with an imploring voice "Zoila, Can you please run with me?" then I jump in the race and I start pacing Areli. Then she proceeded to say: "My brother told me to look for you, he said you would help me". Make story short Areli ended up running non stop and improving her time by a lot. At the end she said: "This was so much fun". The other exciting part was all those first graders I encountered earlier, once they saw us they cheered for us louder and louder.

Areli at the finish celebrating with Mini Moose!!
Half and hour later, first graders were next, so I was more than ready to return the favor. I waited for them at the start and finish with a loud Go first graders let go!!!! chant.
Then, back to pacing duties as one of my girls from tutoring had already asked me the week before to come and paced her. Liszeth ended up placing second and getting a medal. Her class got fist as a group.

Overall, a fun day at Alamosa Elementary with all the kids at the 2012 Spring mile fun run. To all the teachers and volunteers, thank you for making this event happen. We all had a blast!!!!