June 2009
Rock Creek is located 24 miles west of Alamosa. This is by far my favorite place to go run up the Mountains. Last week I allowed myself to go and run/jog there. Here are some pictures of last weeks Mt. Run. Rock Creek esta localizado a 24 millas al Oeste de Alamosa. Este es mi lugar favorito para correr montanas. La semana pasada me permiti ir a correr/trotar a Rock Creek. Aqui estan algunas fotografias.
Total time/ Tiempo: 1:40min
Uphill/Subida: 1:10min
Downhill/Bajada: 30 min
My goal for today is to make it to the top. Pacing yourself is important as all of it is a gradual uphill and we also go up in altitud. We'll go from 9,000ft to 11,000ft. Mi meta por el dia es llegar a la cima. El llevar un ritmo relajado es importante y que la ruta es subida gradual y tambien vamos subiendo en altura. Iremos de 2743m sobre el nivel del mar a 3352metros.
I would normally start from here, but this time we were running out of time that I started a few miles before. Normalmente comienzo desde aqui, pero por falta de tiempo comenze unos kilometros antes.
This is my nephew "Alan" He really enjoys coming along to cheer me on and give me water. Mi sobrino "Alan" El disfruta venir a animarme y darme agua.
Step by step, I am getting closer to the top. Paso a paso ya estoy mas cerca a la cima.
Alan running with me for a minute. Alan corriendo comigo por un minuto.
I love this view :) Me encanta esta vista.
I am almost to the very top. Ya casi llego a la cima.
Some pictures from the top. Fotos desde la cima.
I still have 30 min to go, so I will go back. Aun me faltan 30 minutos, asi que me regresare.