Alamosa, C0
Around the Golf Course
Meet "Lupita" and "Jasmine"- We met at my apartment at 8:00am- I drove to the trail and then we took off for a fun adventure- Conoce a "Lupita" y "Jasmine". Nos reunimos en mi apartamento a las 8:00 a.m y maneje hasta la ruta para despues ir a una aventura divertida.
A.M Super e-z run- I had two wonderful partners with me today- Lupita (6) and Jasmine (9)- Both are my neightboors and asked me if they could come and run with me someday- Well, today they rode their bikes and we went around the golf course- Then we went to school and I added 3.5 miles on the treadmill while they rested and checked out the building :) Afterwards we went to the store to get some snacks- All of it was new to them and they left home saying " We really loved it, maybe we can go run with you some other time"
Rodaje super relajado-Hoy tuve la compania de dos ninas encantadoras, mis vecinitas, Lupita(6) y Jasmine (9)-Ambas me habian preguntado antes si algun dia ellas podian veir a correr conmigo y hoy manejaron sus bicicletas y fuimos a correr alrededor del campo de golf-Luego fuimos a la escuela donde corri el resto en la caminadora mientras ellas tomaba u descanzo y se familiarizaban con el edificio-Despues fuimos a la tienda a comprar unos snacks (bocadillos). Todo resulto ser una experiencia nueva para ambas y se fueron a sus casas diciendo " Nos fascino, ojala podamos ir contigo a correr en otra ocacion"
Waiting for the girls to cross the bridge. They are taking their time as they were feeliling scared. Esperando por las ninas a que cruzen el puente. Se estaban tomando su tiempo ya que sentian miedo.
Now we are on the other side of the bridge next to the golf course. Ahora estamos del otro lado del puente al lado del campo de golf.
Lupita and Jasmine told me this was their first time on he trail. Las ninas me dijeron que esta era su primera vez por estos rumbos.
This is behind the golf course. Aqui es ya atraz de el Campo de Golf.
We made it back to the bridge. Lo logramos estamos de regreso al puente.
Jasmine is not scared anymore. She really enjoys crossing the bridge.Jasmine ya no tiene mas miedo y disfruta el cruzar el puente.
On our way back to where all started :) De regreso a donde todo comenzo :)
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