Ante todo quiero agradecer el apoyo de todos aquellos ( Mi entrenador Damon Martin, Power Bar In The Arena,, Atletas de Adams State, Mi familia, y a German Silva) que de una u otra manera contibuyeron a que hoy pudiese conseguir una nueva marca personal en en el Maraton de Chicago.
First and foremost, I would like to THANK to all the people (My coach Damon Martin, In The Arena,,Power Bar, Adams State Athletes, My Family, and German Silva) whom in one way or another backed me up. Your contribution allowed me to be able to achieve a new personal mark at todays Chicago Marathon.

Con el Gran German Silva- With the Great German Silva
Increible haber tenido a oportunidad de correr y aprender de uno de los grandes, German Silva.. Gracias a Dios hacer posible esta gran coinsidencia.. Por siempre llevare conmigo cada consejo y cada tip. Sin german, hoy no hubiera podido decir lo mismo de esta gran experiencia en Chicago..

Close to the finish/ Mas cerca a la meta
Photo by Ben Rigby
Incredible to have had the opportunity to run and learn alongside one of the gretest in the sport, German Silva. I thank God for making this coincidence happen. Each advise and tip will remain with me forever. Without German today I would not be able to say the same of this great experience in Chicago.

All photos (c) 2010, Paul Merca.
So proud of my temporary tattoo on my left arm :) In The Arena the organizaation that has supported me the most. To all the kids and youth I have crossed paths so far. Thank you for giving me a reason to run for and a motive to make the best of opportunities like this. Chicago 2010 will be one to remember for decades to come.. Orgullosisima de mi tatu temporal en mi brazo izquierdo. In the Arena la organizacion que mas me ha apoyado. A todos los ninos y juventud con la cual he cruzado camino hasta ahora, Gracias por darme una razon y motivo para correr y aprovechar este tipo de oportunidades. Chicago 2010 sera sin duda un evento que recordade por decadas...
Im so happy to head back home with a new PR of 2:32:51.
Feliz de regresar a casa con un nuevo record personal ...
Feliz de regresar a casa con un nuevo record personal ...
Split | time of day | time | diff | min/mile | miles/h |
05K | 07:48:13AM | 00:17:48 | 17:48 | 05:44 | 10.48 |
10K | 08:06:00AM | 00:35:35 | 17:47 | 05:44 | 10.48 |
15K | 08:24:02AM | 00:53:37 | 18:02 | 05:49 | 10.34 |
20K | 08:42:15AM | 01:11:50 | 18:13 | 05:52 | 10.24 |
HALF | 08:46:14AM | 01:15:49 | 03:59 | 05:52 | 10.25 |
25K | 09:00:16AM | 01:29:51 | 14:02 | 05:48 | 10.37 |
30K | 09:18:15AM | 01:47:50 | 17:59 | 05:48 | 10.37 |
35K | 09:36:42AM | 02:06:17 | 18:27 | 05:57 | 10.1 |
40K | 09:55:12AM | 02:24:47 | 18:30 | 05:58 | 10.08 |
Finish | 10:03:16AM | 02:32:51 | 08:04 | 05:56 | 10.14 |

You are great!!
big PR
I have been following you in Strands (ecao) and you are training hard!
Few things better than being better than ever. Getting paced by German Silva? Bigtime..
Enhorabuena, Zoila. Qué bien que se queda uno cuando, tras el trabajo bien hecho, se consiguen los resultados deseados.
Un abrazo desde el sur de España
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