
Monday, July 29, 2013


Jessica sporting the jersey I used at the 2011 world championships in Korea.
A month before the 4th of July celebration, I came across an add advertising the 1st annual mile parade race in Alamosa. At this time I had already started the 2nd annual Run With US! program with our kids in the neighborhood. So, the very first thing that came to mind was "Kids can run their second mile run there, it will be a win/win. Kids will participate then they can stay to watch the parade" Next day, I met for a morning run with a Facebook friend/fan, David E Clemmer, who has been a loyal Facebook supporter since trials of 2008. He was in town so, me and his wife met for a nice morning run along the river. To my surprised the organizer, Jeff Owsley, for the parade mile race joined us that morning. After the run, we all got talking about my involvement with In The Arena. I shared many stories about my kids. Then spontaneously, I ended up sharing with them my idea of bringing kids to the parade.

Two weeks later, organizer of the race contacts me to ask me how many people I was bringing.I was not so sure about my idea anymore as the entry fee for kids race (400m sprint) was $5 dollars and mile race was $20.
See, the program is free of charge so I had a big money problem in hands. I explained to the director and we left it like that. A few days later, Jeff contacts me to tell me there was a potential sponsor so our kids could participate in the race. Surprise, surprise the sponsor ended up being the mayor of the parade Mr.Ralph Outcalt.

Make story short we had around 40 people (adults and kids) reperesenting ITA not only in the race, but the parade.

This was by far, one of the most wonderful experiences in my years with In The Arena. Parents and kids raced and in the process they all inspired an entire town. Enough said.. Click here and here to see the pictures of a Happy 4th of July.

 A week later, with the help of Jeff, we were able to thank Mr. Ralph in person for helping us participate in the event.

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