The after school tutoring program: This program has been a complete success thanks to the partnership and help of volunteers. To Immigrant Resource Center, Tierra Nueva Apartments, Norma Gomez, Beatriz Garcia Waddell, Roxanne Reimer, Cristina Mace and 3rd grade retired teacher Minnie Lopez. This was our third year with the program. The highlight, our children. They have become more social, responsible and independent which had led to better grades. We are very proud of our In The Arena kids in Alamosa.
Run With US and ITA!: Kids really enjoyed the Run with US and ITA! summer program. The kids averaged 3km of running or walking per session. They enjoyed walking, biking or jogging to the playground at the elementary school which was 1km away. Sprints, playing tag and monkey bars became their favorites. Definitely, we all are looking forward to do this again in this upcoming summer.
New Programs: This year Roxane idea came alive. We added the reading and crafting programs along with the Girls Circle and Boys Council. Roxane was able to meet with 5th and 6th graders once a week to have a discussion on a series of books they read over the summer.
aways with a few kids over the year were amazing. This year, on my free weekends I always had a group of kids joining me on an adventure. We either had an indoor meet or biked around town. Tour the Adams State University Campus or enjoyed the airplane show. I cheered our middle school and high school athletes at some of their meets or just had that serious talk. We celebrated our moms and could not help having an all out party on Halloween.
Mile Fun Run: Always a blast to watch and support our elementary school kids during their Mile Fun Run. This always gives me an opportunity to socialize with them and their teachers.
High Valley Community Center: This year I was able to visit the Center in two occacions. The first one was to share my athletic story with kids and the second one was to teach kids about my life and traditions in Mexico. For the second one, my sister Norma and my nephews came along. Norma explained how to make tamales and show how to make tortillas. At the end of our presentation, we treat them with fresh tortillas, homemade tamales and rice. I loved it when while eating kids would come up and say: "You are the famous athlete right"
Boys and Girls Club: Spoke at the annual fundraiser breakfast for Boys and Girls Club in Alamosa. I also spend some time with kids from Boys and Girls Club in
Birmingham, Alabama at the Division II Indoor National Championships.
Training: 2013 has been good to me. I've been able to run consistently and pain free since August. My goal is to build a strong base to be able to compete again at the highest level. I'm happy I can train. It feels amazing to lace your shoes and run.Today I run 14 miles, my longest run since the trials in 2012. By far, the best therapy out there. Work schedule permitting, I want to start doing some small 5km and 10km races in the coming months.
Special Guest:
We had Polish Olympic Marathoner, Karolina Jarzynska.
Adams State Graduate and Runner from France, Vanessa Roy
Adams State Graduate, Div II Champion, College Proffesor, Janelle Olson
For more pictures click HERE
Getting to know Polish Olympian Marathoner, KaKarolina Jarzinska |
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