
Sunday, September 9, 2012


Yes, lately there has been too much

good on MY PLATE. After my trip to London,I immediately embarked in a new project. My very fist full time job ever, Coaching.
This job could not come at a better time. I've been disable to train at a higher level for the past 8 months  and this opportunity along with  my Community service with In The Arena and Run With US!  have kept my plate deliciously  full.
  I do not believe in coincidences, I believe in causes. Yes, my health issue had a reason. If I was 100% healthy and in a competitive mood most likely I would not taken the oportunity to be part of the best Coaching staff in the nation, The Adams State University Cross Country. Not being able to train and compete also left me economically short handed. So, as you can tell this job came at the perfect time. Running has been and will always be a big part of my life, therefore I am very greatful to have the opportunity to share my knowledge and experiences with the young group of men and women of Adams. Having the chance to work along side my long time Coach Damon Martin is indeed another blessing in my life.  A new commitment, a new responsibility and so far wonderful journey. Yeah!!!

My brother Arturo Javier Tutoring Math :) 

Arturo, Jorge helping with reading, and Norma with Spanish

On the civic aspect, ITA after school tutoring program is rolling again. Now with new changes (positive ones) in schedule. We will start tutoring Mondays to Thursdays from 5:00- 6:30p.m . The first hour will be devoted to homework and the last 30 minutes will be all about being active and putting into practice all we learned in the summer with Run With US!, so the last half hours the kids will have an active activity.From time to time, I will spend a few minutes to go over some nutrition and goal setting tips from RWUS! with the kids. We have to keep the information fresh just like our dinner plates. This past week we had extra help. A few of my brothers and sisters were in town and  spend some time with my ITA tutoring kids.

Alicia Reading Monitoring Group Reading

6 Year ITA member, Nephew Brayan reading for my little nice Eli

In the name of all of our kids that beneft from this program, Thank You Tierra Nueva, Immigrant Resource Center, In The Arena and Run With US! for contributing to make the after school program better and better each year. Our kids are excited to work hard this year and achieve some goals they set this summer during RWUS! Quite honest, Im am amazed of how much can be done when one is not fully training. Even though, I've been out of the competitive Arena for a while and at times miss it, I am very happy and excited to utilize this time to explore  the professional side. No doubt there is indeed time for everything in this life and today Im absolutely happy to a full PLATE!

Me reading to our kids :)

1 comment:

Franfri Aguilera said...

Amiga Zoila, me alegra mucho saber que todo va tan bien, independientemente de que no puedas correr por ahora al más alto nivel. Me alegra que hayas cruzado esta nueva puerta en tu vida y estoy seguro de que te llenará completamente y te hará inmensamente feliz. Además, con tu carácter no dudo de que cada día crecerás como persona y los chicos y chicas se sentirán bien afortunados por poder contar contigo.

Te envío mis mejores deseos y todomi apoyo.

Un abrazo gigante